Sphynx Breed Standard

Sphynx Standard (LOOF)

If hairless cats have always existed, the odd-looking Sphynx appeared as a feline breed in the late 1970s in Canada. Brought back from Toronto to the Netherlands by Dr Hernandez, the first Sphynxes made their roots in France before reaching the United States.

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Sphynx Standard (LOOF)

If hairless cats have always existed, the odd-looking Sphynx appeared as a feline breed in the late 1970s in Canada. Brought back from Toronto to the Netherlands by Dr Hernandez, the first Sphynxes made their roots in France before reaching the United States.

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Sphynx Standard (TICA)

While the appearance of hairlessness is the first remarkable impression of the Sphynx, among enthusiasts of the breed it is most recognized for it’s overtly affectionate disposition.

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Sphynx Standard (TICA)

While the appearance of hairlessness is the first remarkable impression of the Sphynx, among enthusiasts of the breed it is most recognized for it’s overtly affectionate disposition.

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Sphynx Standard (CFA)

The most distinctive feature of this cat is its appear- ance of hairlessness, although Sphynx are not actually complete- ly hairless cats and there should be some evidence of “hair” on the bridge of the nose and the ears.

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Sphynx Standard (CFA)

The most distinctive feature of this cat is its appear- ance of hairlessness, although Sphynx are not actually complete- ly hairless cats and there should be some evidence of “hair” on the bridge of the nose and the ears.

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